Showing posts with label product backlog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label product backlog. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Core Role and Responsibilities of a Product Owner in Scrum

One of the commonest mistakes that people make while considering the product owner’s role in scrum is to consider him or her as either actually owning the product, or functioning as a decision maker while developing the product for the stakeholders. This is far from true, since the product owner is actually employed by the stakeholders to represent their interests while scrum is implemented in a project. A product owner can own a product, but is not necessarily its owner in most cases.

The core job of the product owner, or rather the main responsibility, is to:
·       Figure out how to “make” the product
·       Ensure that the sprints are successfully completed during the project
·       Shippable products are delivered at the end of sprints
·       Ensure that the scrum project is successfully completed

The product owner’s job is a difficult one, and a full-time one.

The product owner as the core determinant of a successfully completed scrum project
It is essential to deliver value, and the scrum method requires an efficient, reliable, and an accurate mechanism, which can help to determine the product vision and create an effective pipeline which has the capability of distilling the product vision into shippable, concrete, and deliverable product backlog items that can successfully demonstrate the tangible benefits as a part of the longer project vision. It is because of this reason that the role of a product owner becomes a very important one while implementing scrum.

While the product owner can participate in each Scrum ritual, his or her main function, parallel to that of the scrum master, is to act as a facilitator for the entire team, and be available when problems and issues arise in the project. The main tasks of a product owner are:
·       Envisioning the product and facilitating its development
·       Creating an iterative or sprint release strategy which can incorporate the changing market conditions and product requirements
·       Distilling the high-level product related requirements into developable and deliverable user stories linked with acceptance criteria
·       Prioritizing the product backlog
·       Communicating difficult and complex system architecture issues to the clients
·       Negotiating all client-sided disputes and concerns associated with the product design, development, and user story priorities

Responsibilities of a product owner
The person is mainly responsible for:
·       Representing the interests of, and acting as the voice of stakeholders and customers
·       Understanding project profitability and delivering high ROI
·       Managing the stakeholders
·       Maintaining communications and promoting collaboration amongst the team members
·       Undertaking on-the-spot tactical decisions and ensuring that the product development cycle is not affected
·       Participating in the release meetings and planning
·       Writing effective user stories
·       Maintaining and updating the product backlog
·       Helping the team in estimating the development time for each scrum scenario
·       Participating in the sprint review meetings, accepting the user stories as “Done”, and providing effectual feedback

·       Monitoring the project progress and suggesting constant adjustments based upon important strategic objectives

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Monday 31 March 2014

All about How To Hold Conventional And Non-Conventional Scrum Meetings

In many ways, scrum is all about meetings. Once the product backlog is created by the product owner, the meetings starts, and keeps on occurring until the entire project is completed. While some of the meetings such as the sprint planning, sprint review, and the sprint retrospective are “planned” meetings, and the scrum guide lays down clear guidelines as to how they should be conducted and what should be availed from them, it may be required to hold special meetings as and when needed to streamline the scrum process. The scrum guide does not mention anything about non-standardized meetings, or those which have been called impromptu. It is important to plan and organize such meetings to make them effective in scrum. 

1.    Meet only if required
First and foremost, if the information can be conveyed through a memo, emails, or a small presentation, don’t conduct the meeting. One of the key management strategies is to identify the nature and requirement of conveying the information to team members. If the nature of information is “simplex” i.e. information needs to be conveyed only “one way”, a lot of time can be saved by just sending a memo. Typically, the scrum master or the product owner may need to brief up the team members regarding the feedback availed from the stakeholders, or just let the team know about the time a particular meeting is scheduled. In such instances, it is not required to hold a special meeting to convey “one way” information since a feedback or further discussion is not expected or required with respect to the message conveyed.

2.    Set up clear objectives for the meeting
If a meeting is supposed to be held, it should have an objective! It is meaningless to conduct meetings where objectives are not clearly explained and the team does not have any idea why the meeting is called for, or what is planned to be done in the meeting. A proper agenda should be created beforehand and conveyed to the team well in advance so the team knows why the meeting has been called, and what is going to be discussed in it. 

3.    Instruct the members to prepare for the meeting
If you find it necessary to hold the meeting, and have prepared an agenda to explain what you plan to discuss in the meeting, it is recommended you instruct or inform the team members how they ought to prepare for the meeting. Ideally, a list should be prepared explaining what is expected from the team member, and what activities the particular member should carry out before attending the meeting. If you have team members belonging to specific groups depending upon their area of work and specialization, you could prepare a common list of instructions stating what and how each member in the group should do to ensure their participation in the meeting is a positive one. 

4.    Prepare a plan of action
Now that you have done everything to make your meeting a successful one, it is important you achieve the objective of holding your meeting in the first place. It is important to inform the team members what they are expected to do once the meeting is completed. More than often, people attend meetings and simply forget about what was discussed and whether the objective of holding the meeting was satisfied once the meeting is over. The reason why this happens is there is no “Call-to-action” linked with the particular meeting. Each member should know that he or she is supposed to do to complement the meeting, and ensure its objectives are properly fulfilled.Read more on

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Thursday 27 March 2014

Types Of Burn Down Charts In Scrum – What And Why They Are Used For

In scrum, a burn down chart is used to provide a graphical representation of the total work remaining, or left to do, versus time. The pending or outstanding work is generally represented along the vertical X-axis, while the time is plotted against the horizontal Y-axis. A “burn down” chart should ideally be understood as a “run down” chart i.e. how much of total work is still pending and needs to be completed. Even though burn down charts are synonymous with Agile framework and scrum methodologies, they can also be used in other non-Agile frameworks. Basically, burn down charts can be used in any project in which the progress can be measured with respect to time.
Scrum supports several types of burn down charts, and they can be effectively used to measure the progress right from the macro level. At the project level, burn down charts can be effectively used to estimate and depict the progress made. When the project is segregated into its fundamental components at the product level, and when small sets of requirements in the form of user stories taken up for development at the sprint level, the progress can still be measured using burn down charts – even at the micro level.

Product Burn down Chart
The product backlog, created by the product owner at the onset of the scrum project, forms the backbone of all product related requirements in the project. It is the main list which constitutes the product. As the product items, or the user stories, are taken up for development during the sprint, certain stories in the product backlog get marked as “Done” as the sprints keep on progressing. At the end of each sprint, the items successfully developed by the team are accepted as complete by the product owner and flagged accordingly in the product backlog. Therefore, at any given instance of time, the product backlog can consist of complete or pending items. The chart explaining the pending product items and those that have been completed over time is known as the product burn down chart.

Sprint Burn down Chart
During the first half of the sprint planning meeting, the product owner transfers some of the unfinished user stories from the product backlog into the sprint backlog. The stories contained within the sprint backlog are taken up for development by the team members during the daily sprint activity. Each day, as per plan, certain user stories are taken up for development by the programmers, and efforts are made to complete them by the end of the working day, or the “sprint” day. As the sprint proceeds each day, certain stories are completed, while the pending ones start reducing in numbers. The chart, which represents how many user stories have been completed, and ideally how many stories should or ought to be finished each day, while the sprint is underway is known as the sprint burn down chart.Read more on

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Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Purpose And Goals Of Carrying Out Product Backlog Refinement In Scrum

The official scrum guide mentions about carrying out routine maintenance activities to update the product backlog, or to carry out the product backlog refinement. The exact time to be invested in the grooming activity depends upon the management, and how scrum is to be implemented in the project. A rule-of-the-thumb followed is to put in approximately 10% of the time utilized during the sprint activity, into the grooming activity. It is important to be clear regarding some of the aspects associated with product backlog refinement.

Purpose and goals of carrying out the refinement
The primary reason why the product backlog should be refined is to update or rebuild the backlog so that it remains consistent with the requirements provided by the stakeholders with regards the new features and functionalities to be included in the project. Another reason is to review existing user stories or product backlog items and decide whether they are still useful or pertinent from the development point of view, and to update the acceptance criterion and the explanation detailed in each PBI.  

It is recommended to use the “DEEP” method - detailed appropriately, estimated, emergent, and properly ordered – while prioritizing the user stories within the backlog. Larger stories or epics should be systematically broken down in to more manageable smaller ones, proper estimation by assigning relevant story points to the PBIs should be carried out,  user stories should be rearranged as per the new priorities,  and the queries regarding the development of user stories during the sprint should be effectively answered by the product owner. Whenever a meeting is planned to refine the PBIs, the objective should be to carry out enough refinement work so that it lasts for at least three future sprints.   

Duration and frequency of the grooming activity
Each activity and meeting is time boxed in scrum. Following the same principle, the product backlog refining or grooming activity should be time boxed too. However, in practice, there is no pre-designated activity or a meeting for planning and carrying out the product backlog refinement activity in the same manner as the sprint planning meeting and the sprint retrospective meeting is held. Backlog grooming is carried out more as a routine activity than anything else in scrum, and the guide does not exactly specify how much time or efforts should be invested in the activity. Perhaps a possible reason could be that the product development and creation of product backlogs vary from project to project, and it is difficult to standardize how the grooming activity should be carried out since the size and nature of the product backlog cannot be adjudged. Read more on

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Monday 17 March 2014

The DEEP Method Used For Product Backlog Grooming – How To Prioritize the Product Backlog Items In Scrum

It is very important to prioritize the product backlog from time to time so that it remains updated, and “healthy”. The DEEP method used to refine the product backlog items can be understood as follows:

1.    Detailed appropriately

User stories to be taken up for development soon should be properly understood and taken up for development in the upcoming sprint. The user stories which are not to be developed on an immediate basis can be mentioned briefly and described with lesser details.

Generally, the user stories or the product backlog items having a higher priority should be developed first, followed by less important ones. The smaller and more detailed user stories, which a have higher business value should be place on the top, followed by those which have lesser business values and priorities. Epics and large user stories should be broken down in to smaller, more manageable ones, and taken up for development in succeeding sprints. If the entire product backlog is to be detailed in each grooming session, it would take too much time, and even after investing it, the priority can change in the subsequent refining sessions. Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out the grooming session in totality, each time the session is conducted. The objective should be to target the most important user stories based upon the feedback availed from the stakeholders and detail them as per the new priority. The PBIs should be shifted up or down in the order, and larger epics can be broken down into smaller stories and reinserted in appropriate places within the backlog as per the need.

2.    Estimated

Besides containing the product backlog items or user stories, the product backlog is an important and useful scrum planning tool. It should include estimation in terms of story points for each backlog item.

Estimation is possible in scrum when story points representing the degree of importance are associated with each product backlog item. It is very important for the user stories to have a certain business value associated with them when they are included in the product backlog. The product owner works out how the story points should be allotted to each item in the backlog. The story points, or the estimate is very useful in planning future sprints, and while creating the burn down charts while a sprint is currently being executed. It is essential for each user story to have a priority, at least when they are important, and to be taken up for development on an immediate basis.

3.    Emergent

The product backlog is dynamic in nature and changes with time as the project develops. AS more information is availed, new user stories can be added, existing ones updated and reprioritized, and redundant ones removed.

In practice, a product backlog is never static, and will change over time. As more is learned, user stories in the product backlog can be added, updated, or removed depending upon the feedback received from the stakeholders and investors. Moreover, the development team should carry out routine perusal and remain conversant with the product backlog so they find it easy to understand the user stories when they are taken up for development. The members should demand explanations about items not clear to them, and the product owner is supposed to resolve the queries as soon as possible in a satisfactory manner. The product backlog should complement the vision seen by the stakeholders and the product owner, and fulfill the expectations of developing a shippable product which is profitable.

4.    Prioritized

The product backlog should be properly arranged as per the priority of the user stories, preferably at all times.

Although scrum advocates that each item be properly estimated before it can be added to the product backlog, in practice, this seldom happens. When the product backlog is initially planned, the product owner understands that some of the stories need to be developed because they are essential and needed to complement the product, or make it shippable. However, quite often, he or she fails to receive proper feedback from the stakeholders regarding their importance, or receives it at a later time. In such circumstances, the common practice is to include the user story in the backlog, and wait for further information to pour in so a priority can be assigned for the particular story. Scrum advice this should not ideally be done, and information should be availed to prioritize the item before it can be taken up for development. 

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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Reasons for Carrying Out the Product Backlog Grooming Activity

What is product backlog grooming?
The main objective of the backlog grooming session is to improve the product backlog and rearrange the user stories or the product backlog items in accordance to the new priorities determined by the stakeholders or the team members. Grooming sessions can also be held to verify the product backlog items whether they have the information necessary to develop the user stories in a more efficient manner. The scrum guide does not try to define what a backlog grooming session actually is because the “grooming” activity may vary from project to project. It is difficult to standardize the process so that it can suit all types of projects. The grooming session are generally held to:
·       Write or rewrite the product backlog items or user stories if they are not properly stated or described
·       Reschedule or reprioritize the product backlog items based upon the recent updates provided by the stakeholders
·       Segregate epics or large user stories into smaller and more manageable ones
·       Re-estimate the story points linked with the user stories
·       Update or add new acceptance criteria to the user stories

·       Analyze the product backlog for planning purposes

 Product Backlog Grooming

Different reasons why the product backlog is refined
The product backlog can be rescheduled or refined for a number of reasons depending upon the changes occurring in the market conditions or new features demanded by the end users. At times, it becomes necessary to weed out less important tasks and replace them with effective ones. The product owner may decide to reprioritize the backlog if he or she feels some of the user stories need to be developed on a priority basis. Usually, the product backlog grooming activity or product refinement is carried out because of three main reasons:

1.    Refinement carried out by the stakeholders
As the market conditions keep on changing over time and new competitive products are launched, it becomes necessary for the stakeholders to do away with some of the functionalities in the product which have become obsolete and are no longer needed. It is meaningless to spend time and efforts over features which are not likely to score for the product in the market, and which no longer have a selling value. The investors and stakeholders remain in touch with the ongoing market trends, what the end users require, and how the selling value of the product can be increased by introducing new set of features and functionalities while the product is being developed. The stakeholders may decide to “overhaul” the project by removing some of the features and functionalities, and replace them with new ones, which have added market and selling values.

2.    Informal product backlog grooming
One of the important objectives of carrying out the product grooming activity is that the team members too attend the grooming sessions, and it offers an opportunity for the product owner to explain the user stories to the development team. The product owner takes the opportunity to describe and explain the new set of product backlog items to the team members and answer questions regarding the business values of the user stories. It is a great way of understanding what the product eventually focuses to do when it is launched in the market and how it is supposed to behave when fully developed. Generally, the grooming sessions are succeeded by the sprint planning meetings, and the team is able to prepare in advance for the planning meetings in a more meaningful manner. Since the team members become more familiar with the exact functionality associated with the user stories, it becomes easy for them to segregate the user stories into development tasks during the second half of the sprint planning meeting.

3.    Periodic refinement carried out by the team members
It is important to carry out “routine maintenance work” and keep the product backlog “in shape” so it becomes easy to plan the sprints. As the sprints progress and development is carried out during the sprinting sessions, some of the tasks are completed and new functionality is developed. At time, the functionality developed can be shared with other resources to be developed, and it is important to identify such resources so duplicate or repetitive development activity can be avoided and time can be saved. The grooming session help to weed out the repetitive tasks and get the backlog back into “shape”. It also provides an opportunity to the team members to ask for clarifications and demand explanations for the stories they find it difficult to understand to the product owner.  

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Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Product Backlog in A Nutshell: For Scrum Beginners

The Product Backlog

In scrum, the product backlog consists of all the user stories, or the set of requirements which are essentially required to manufacture the product in totality. By totality, we mean a product which possesses all the attributes as requested by the end users so that they can use it in an effective and meaningful manner to carry out their tasks or activities. In reality, the user stories are the same as product backlog items. While the product backlog item or the “PBI” is the actual terminology recommended and used by scrum, in simple language it is often referred to as a “user story” by the team members. In practice, the product to be developed is actually owned by the stakeholders or the investors who have put in money into the project. Since their role is to “own” and “decide” about what kinds of features and functionalists should be incorporated into the product, it is not practical for all the stakeholders to carry out the development process by addressing the team members on an individual basis. It is not practical to do so. Therefore, they appoint a person who acts in the capacity of a “product owner” and who represents their interests while the product is being developed and scrum methodology is being implemented in the project. 

Product backlog

At the onset when a scrum project is planned, the product owner first of all clearly understands about the features and functionality to be provided in the product. Subsequently, he or she breaks up the entire product into its constituent parts, which can be later “assembled” to “remake” the product when all the constituent parts are developed individually. The parts actually form the PBIs in the product backlog. While the product backlog is being constructed or compiled, it is necessary to determine how important the user stories are as far as the final product is concerned. While some of the functionality associated with a particular user story may be very important, quite a few of them may not be so important from the end user or the market point of view. It becomes necessary to prioritize the user stories depending upon what kinds of functionality and features they possess. The activity of prioritizing the user stories or the PBIs is done by the product owner.       

Moreover, the product backlog contains the explanation and description of the functionality linked up with each user story. It is specifically explained in what manner the user stories are to be developed by the development team members during the sprint activity. Many times, the user story can also contain the functional and non-functional aspects needed to understand the requirement in a proper manner. The product backlog is very critical, and forms the “heart” of all scrum related activities. It should be carefully prepared by the product owner. 

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Tuesday 4 March 2014

All about Sprints and Sprint Meetings – In a Nutshell

The sprint is the main point of activity for any scrum project. During a sprint, the development team delivers a certain portion, or a “slice” of the actual development activity to be carried out as defined in the product backlog. During a sprint, the development activity can include a host of other things in addition to the actual development work. This can include the documentation, user manual creation, testing and debugging functionality, or even checking cross platform compatibility. Each activity during the sprint can be understood as a task. When user stories are transferred to a sprint backlog by the product owner, the development team further segregates each user story into its individual tasks i.e. each story is broken down into smaller tasks to make it more manageable and develop able. Each user story is assigned a story point which determines its potential value. The story points help to generate an estimate as to how many user stories can be included in the sprint backlog based upon the team’s ability to carry out the development.

The entire development is carried out in the form of sprints. Usually, a sprint lasts for two weeks, however, technically they can extend up to three to four weeks depending upon how scum is being implemented by the product owner and the scrum master. Sprints are also known as “iterations” in more simple terms. Sprints are supervised by scrum masters. As per the scrum guide, a scrum master should be a passive participant during the sprint. His or her job is to ensure that the team members properly follow scrum rules when the sprint is underway. At the end of the sprint, user stories are developed into shippable products, each with its own functionality and importance. 
A sprint planning meeting is held before the sprint commences. It is attended by the product owner, the team members, and the scrum master. During the sprint planning meeting, the product owner transfers some of the user stories from the product backlog into the sprint backlog for development purposes. The meeting is actually held in two parts:

·       First half of the meeting
During the first half of the meeting, the product owner explains about the user stories which have been included in the sprint backlog. He or she explains about the acceptance levels and the importance of the user stories to the stakeholders. Team members are free to ask questions to the product owner if they require explanations regarding some of the user stories.

·       The second half of the meeting
During second half of the sprint planning meeting, the team members breakdown the user stories in the sprint backlog into smaller, and more manageable tasks, which are taken up for development purposes. Generally, the team members decide unanimously how to distribute the tasks and user stories among themselves. Team members take up work as per their skill sets and development expertise.

Sprint retrospectives

A sprint retrospective meeting is held after the sprint is over. The main purpose of the meeting is to evaluate the sprint which has just completed, and what lessons should be learnt from it. A lot of discussion occurs during the meeting, and both the product owner and the scrum master try to envision what could possible go wrong in the future sprints. They contribute their expertise as well as their experience, and try to identify impediments, and seek solutions for potential problems which may occur in the near future.  

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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Discover What Is Scrum Methodology and How It Works

At times, projects can be very big. You need a lot of patience while dealing with extremely big projects or highly complex ones. Even experienced project managers tend to get discouraged and start losing hope when the project keeps on extending beyond the deadline, or when things start going wrong with the project. Usually, the management and stakeholders tend to exert undue pressure to the project manager and the development team to perform, and deliver the project, well within the time frame. Projects have a certain financial liability associated with them,   so the sooner the project is completed, the quicker the returns are availed from it. During times when things do not go as per plans, managers start losing hope, and at times wonder if there is a better way of doing things and completing the projects in time so they don’t cost anything extra to the management in terms of increased overheads or reduced returns over investment. This is where scrum comes in – it offers an opportunity to develop your project in a manner such that the stakeholders remain in touch with what is happening to their project, what is proceeding as per plans, and what needs to be removed or done away with so the project can get completed in time and they can start benefiting from the investment they have carried out in the project.

What does scrum methodology offer?
Scrum framework was originally envisioned and developed to be flexible in nature and possess the capability to adapt itself to the changing development requirements. If during the course of the development, if the stakeholders change their minds regarding the project, or desire to change their project related requirements, the situation can be handled in a more beneficial and cost effective way using scrum methodology. Scrum is synonymous with Agile. Scrum, or Agile framework offers an opportunity to make amendments in the project definition while the project is underway. This is a unique feature, since most development methodologies such as the waterfall, which supports a linear structure for development, have no answer or solutions which can effectively cater to changing project requirements. Moreover, a project can be modified to include additional or new functionality when it is underway. If the client decides that a project should offer some features which have not been thought of before, or thought about during the project planning stage, scrum can incorporate these requirements within the development plan. On the other hand, if the project owner feels that some of the features offered by the product may fail to score in the market when the product is launched, those specific features can be easily removed and replace by new ones. Scrum focuses upon development at a micro level. The development activity is implemented and controlled at a very low level, where it is possible to interact with the basic components which constitute to form the project as a whole. It is always much easier to deal with smaller things and change them when they are small in size, rather than wait for them to attain a big size when managing them becomes very complex, and impossible.        

How does scrum work?
It would take a very long time to discuss in depth exactly how scrum operates and what its technicalities are. However, its main features and the method of working can be summarized as:

·       Unlike traditional waterfall methods, scrum does not start with the entire development activity at a go. Rather it breaks up the entire project into smaller functional parts known as user stories, and creates a product backlog which is a kind of master list which includes everything needed to develop the project in totality. Product backlogs contain user stories.

·       Once the product backlog is created by the product owner, a person who represents the interests of the investors or stakeholders, a portion of the backlog is extracted and transferred to a temporary development list known as a sprint backlog. This list contains all the tasks which are to be developed by the team members.

·       Once the sprint backlog is created, the team members distribute the list items or user stories among the developers based upon their levels of expertise. Thereafter the actual development starts. Development is carried out in short bursts known as “sprints”. Each sprint can last from one week up to a month. 

·       At the end of the sprint, a meeting is held to evaluate the outcome of the sprint. Completed items are accepted as “Done” while unfinished ones may be transferred back to the product backlog.

·       The entire process keeps on repeating until all the user stories in the backlog are “Done” and there are no further requirements to be developed.  

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Friday 21 February 2014

Is It Possible To Use Scrum For Developing Non IT Based Projects? If So, How?

Scrum for non-IT based projects?

Whenever people talk about scrum, they mean a methodology which is capable of adapting to changing development environments, and time bound delivery. Since a very long time, for as long as a decade, scrum has been synonymous with IT development. People tend to think about IT projects when ever scrum is mentioned. The old school of thought often failed to think about scrum as capable of dealing with projects other than IT development. The promoters of scrum rarely though about using scrum for production based or manufacturing related processes. This attitude created many hurdles in making scrum methodology popular in the initial years. Even now, scrum is more popularly associated with IT related development projects. Over the years, the question which has always kept on popping up is “Can scrum be used for projects other than IT?” It is a good question to answer, because a lot of confusion has been prevailing regarding scrum, and how it can be implemented for projects other than those which are information technology based.

Scrum framework versus waterfall methodology 

Whatever the product or manufacturing process may be, business owners and companies are always pressed to bring in products which are efficient, easy to produce, and which consume very little manufacturing time. One of the biggest concerns for the development team is catering to the changing market conditions and trends. More than often, the primary objectives and functionalists associated with a particular product to be manufactured may lose its importance and market value. This may happen if a newer version or product is launched which offers a better pricing and added feature, which is not present in the product being developed. Traditional waterfall methods fail miserably when the product definition is changed overnight. This is where scrum can score, since the framework is specially developed to incorporate changing development related conditions. Theoretically speaking, regardless of the type of development, scrum can be successfully implemented to produce any type of product or goods. It can be successfully implanted in various fields dealing with market segments such as government and education, including a wide range of industries encompassing automotive design, venture capitalism, and retail.   

Co-relating scrum with traditional development processes – Is scrum feasible?

Implementation of scrum requires a lot of imagination. Even though scrum methodology rules are simple and straightforward, they have to be implemented properly to be effective. No two development projects are alike. What works well in a particular project may not prove to be quite effective in another. This is where the imagination comes in. Scrum projects have to be molded in accordance to the project’s particular requirements. While project managers have been making minor changes to mould IT based projects to suit scrum, it should not prove to be very difficult to implement scrum in non-IT based projects. The basic rules of scrum remain the same, irrespective of what product is to be developed or manufactured. For non-IT projects, the product assembly list might be substituted with a product backlog while the actual assembly process could be carried out in the form of sprints. Instead of a supervisor or a production manger supervising the assembly process, the scrum master might overlook the implementation of scrum. The implementation can be carried out using a single sprint, or if required, multiple teams could carry out individual sprints to suit the manufacturing process. Implementing scrum for non-IT projects may not prove to be so difficult if you have the inclination and the foresight to correlate traditional manufacturing process with scrum methodology.     

Thursday 20 February 2014

The True Explanation of How Scrum Iterations Or Sprints Can Help To Support And Incorporate Dynamic Changing Environments

Scrum and iterative development
Scrum framework actively supports project development in the form of iterations, known popularly as “iterative development” in technical jargon. Scrum supports iterative development in the form of sprints. The feature helps to control the return over investment or the “ROI” in a much better manner, and helps the stakeholders to decide and prioritize the development activity as well as production processes. Scrum is all about incorporating dynamic changes during project development, and promotes the primary goal of delivering maximum business value within a limited or minimum time scale. It is possible to achieve dynamic development processes by properly implementing scrum and controlling the sprint activity in an efficient manner.

Importance of sprint activity, or iterations, in catering to constantly changing project environments
Projects can be complex. They can also be subjected to ongoing market trends and changing user- associated requirements. While developing very big or complex projects, it can be difficult to assign fixed goals or objectives. Development takes time. More than often, the functionalists or facilities linked up with a particular project may become obsolete or redundant over time. This can create problems with the development activity if the organization is following traditional waterfall or linear development methodologies. It becomes very difficult to incorporate the changes in such methods since the entire project has to be initiated right from the beginning – from scratch. This result is a significant loss of working hours and productivity. This is where scrum comes in. Scrum framework supports changes occurring in the project environment in a dynamic manner. It is also possible to consistently evaluate the development related requirements, and make amendments in the project development plan in an instant, without any significant loss of time or resources. Moreover, it is much easier to identify redundancy levels and put a curb on nonproductive developmental activities – simply because the sprint process incorporates dynamic updates within the product backlog as and when required. The product owner can update, remove, and add user stories or requirements in the product backlog, and the same can be taken up for development purposes in the sprint backlog. This is the main essence of scrum, and the primary reason why scrum is so popular as a development methodology.

How can you dynamically incorporate changes into your ongoing project or production plan?
Scrum planning and implementation starts with the creation of the product backlog – the list of requirements needed to develop the project in totality. In a typical project, the end product is segregated into its basic constituent parts called user stories. The product owner represents the interests of the stakeholders, and is therefore responsible for creating the product backlog.

During the implementation process, the product owner determines the priority of the importance of user stories and transfers them to the sprint backlog for development purpose. Team members take up user stories on the basis of their levels of expertise and start developing them during the sprint. After the end of each sprint, user stories are checked for acceptance levels. If they are found to be acceptable i.e. “shippable” they are accepted as “Done”. In case the development remains unfinished, the incomplete user stories still go back to the product backlog, where the product owner reevaluates their importance and priority, and eventually decides whether to send the incomplete stories back to the sprint backlog for further development, or to mark them as redundant and do away with them. This is how scrum helps to check undue wastage of development time and resources, since the requirement is evaluated every time the sprint cycle ends. If the particular development is found to be non-productive, they are simply taken away from the sprint backlog.

On the other hand, if the owners or the stakeholders feel a new functionality or facility might increase the market value of the ongoing project, the new set of requirements can be easily added as user stories in the product backlog, and the product owner can simply include them in the sprint backlog for development purposes.  This is how scrum can dynamically incorporate changes in an ongoing project.

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